Color Revolutions have been popping up all over the world with greater frequency and it is beginning to look like it may be our turn. Hello, Ken Baxter here! It’s a beautiful morning in sunny, Las Vegas, Nevada and welcome to my story.
Many people have heard the term, Color Revolution, in news reports but not really grasped the magnitude of just what that means. Even more importantly, most Americans are oblivious to the forces deployed to execute the plan, who are disguised as “trusted sources”, operating inside our country, attempting to bring Communist/Socialistic change to the United States.
Sadly, we find ourselves living in a time when it is difficult to comprehend much of what the current administration, the corrupt media and other groups have been pushing on the American people on a daily basis for years. Seems like up is down, light is dark and some of the most ridiculous ideas are presented as genius. A Color Revolution, a tactic that flourished in the early years of the 21st century, is used to describe political upheaval with the final goal of regime change. These operations also seem to bring about giant paydays to all the players involved.
You may remember that coincidentally, regime change was the favorite foreign policy tactic of Hillary Clinton and John Kerry of US State Department during the insufferable Obama/Biden Administration. Not surprisingly, many of the key players from the Obama era resurfaced in the Biden/Obama Administration such as Jake Sullivan, Lloyd Austin, Alejandro Majorkas, Victoria Nuland, Antony Blinken, and on and on, attempting to continue Barack Obama’s goal to “fundamentally change” our country, or in reality it may be to make quite a fortune.
So when a story comes along that explains what they are up to, again, in an easily understandable way, it’s really important to share.
In a stunning video attached below, Glen Beck explains there are 7 conditions that need to be met for a successful Color Revolution and how we may already be there. You will see how the combination of an out of control CIA & State Department, Federal funding funneled to select non government agencies or NGO’s, private financiers and a complicit, dishonest media, brings us dangerously close to the changes no one wants in America! The tactics normally reserved to achieve regime change around the world sadly now seem to be focused on the US.
The greatest irony, in fact, is that attempted Color Revolutions are mostly unsuccessful, the last successful one in Ukraine in 2014. These attempted “coup de tat’s” continue across the globe because even when it fails, it can still result in enormous cash bonanzas for the corrupt participants, who have no concern for the death, destruction and political upheaval they leave in their wake. It’s the perfect vehicle for money laundering or embezzlement of “foreign aid”, stolen from hard working, American taxpayers at an alarming rate.
When we understand the plan they are trying to execute we can resist the attempted manipulation by “trusted sources” to remove our precious liberties and freedoms. Change can only happen if we are able to expel the corrupt players and rehabilitate or dismantle the offending agencies.
Please take a few minutes to watch Glen explain the process and you will begin to see how this playbook has been used all over the world for decades. Whether regime change is achieved or not, it still brings enormous financial rewards to the corrupt players.
Ken Baxter, signing off and thank you again for stopping by. Don’t forget to visit, Green Global and for additional updates.