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Tractor Supply Applies the Brakes on Wokeism

Intense consumer backlash, legal challenges and especially, plunging profits, have prompted Tractor Supply Company to discontinue all DEI, climate & carbon reduction initiatives and will no longer fund non-business activities.  Hello, Ken Baxter, Rocketman,  here in a very toasty Las Vegas, Nevada and thanks for stopping by.

In a response that will have major ripple effects across corporate America, a spokesperson for the company also confirmed they will also no longer share consumer data with the Human Rights Campaign, one of the largest LBGTQ+ lobbying groups in the country. 

'"This is a great victory for sanity in corporate America and the single most successful boycott of our lifetime"

In an interesting report by the , conservative commentator, Robby Starbuck, called out the company for how they had lost their way asking his followers to contact the company to respectfully request they reconsider the path they had taken. Starbuck continued to exert pressure on the company, utilizing social media accounts such as “X”, and with no shortage of  support among other conservative influencers, caused a backlash against the Tennessee company that could not be ignored.

The response from Starbuck’s appeal and the cold hard fact of falling profits caused the company to take quick and decisive action; issuing an apology and immediately discontinuing any non-business related activities, including pride parades.

I have noticed that most corporate “apologies” are weak, never  as satisfying as they need to be. This strong apology has the feeling that the Company had also had enough of catering to a bunch of bullies, on a mission to destroy any business that failed to fall in line. I believe the ripple effect has begun with the pendulum beginning to swing the opposite way. It’s about time, I say.

Ken Baxter, signing off and thank you again for stopping by.  Don’t forget to visit,  Green Global and for additional updates, and I hope to see you again real soon! 

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